Top 10 Reasons Making Money Make Cents Should Be Your Go-To Financial Guide
Are you ready to take control of your financial future? If you’re searching for a powerful, practical, and empowering guide to mastering your finances, look no further than Making Money Make Cents by Bernie Ruffin, MBA. Here are the top 10 reasons why this book should be your go-to financial guide: 1. Perfect for Beginners…
Investing for Beginners: Where to Start and What to Know
Investing can feel intimidating, especially if you’re new to managing money. But as Bernadette Ruffin outlines in her insightful book Making Money Make Cents, getting a handle on your finances and learning how to invest doesn’t have to be complicated. This guide is here to help you break down the basics of investing while incorporating…
Understanding Credit Scores: What They Are and How to Improve Yours
Your credit score is a vital part of your financial health, influencing everything from loan approvals to interest rates. But what exactly is a credit score, and how can you make sure yours stays strong? Let’s break it down. What is a Credit Score? A credit score is a numerical representation of your creditworthiness, typically…
How to Save Effectively Without Feeling Restricted
Saving money doesn’t have to mean sacrificing the things you love. With the right mindset and strategies, you can build your savings while still enjoying life. Here’s how: 1. Set Clear Goals Define what you’re saving for—whether it’s a vacation, emergency fund, or retirement. Having a clear goal makes saving more motivating and tangible. 2.…
CD v. MoneyMarket
Deciding whether to choose a CD or a Money Market is mostly your preference and your own personal spending habits. As stated in the individual descriptions CD’s are not as flexible or as liquid as a Money Market account. Once you deposit your funds in the CD it’s there for the duration of the term…
Make sure as you are adjusting your portfolio that you are also increasing your financial intelligence. You must have as much competence as your investment opportunities. Don’t allow your financial portfolio to outgrow your skills. You cannot manage a million-dollar investment with a hundred-dollar skill set. Always be willing to learn new ways or strategies. As you…
Get Your Copy Now Transform Your Financial Future
Financial Freedom is right at your fingertips. Change your financial knowledge, become debt free, and live the full life you desire. Order Making Money Make Cent$ for practical and sound financial advise. Transform Your Financial Future If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by managing your money or unsure of where to start, Making Money Make Cents…
Jefferey’s Review
Making Money Make Cents taught me how to create an efficient business budgets and how to maintain it. I learned tips on how to build my credit and keep it good on my financial level. I am applying what I learned and everything is improving each month. I’m glad to have something that shows me…
Capital expenditure is the use of funds to make improvements or purchases that have a long term impact on the business. This expenditure is made to improve the opportunity for growth of the business. Capital expenditures also help make the business more competitive. Funding for this expenditure must be included in the budget because it…
The primary purpose of investing is to make your money grow. The reason for investing is for potential profit that is greater than what you can earn using a regular savings. Investing is intended to help you meet your long-term financial goals. Before you decide whether you will manage your own investments or use a financial advisor,…